5/12/2016 Update. I did lose interest. I have matured. It is an Okay game. I been stuck on a level and it doesnt matter how well I play it they wont give me 3 Stars. Makes the game Boring for me. 12/2/14. Update. Level 42 is Rigid! Not Fun!! Im saving babies in time! Ugh!! Nothing Special.. They just wont give me 3 stars!! Im losing interest.. 11/17/14. Update. I give 3 stars today coz Im stuck on level 39! Im rescuing the babies in time but they dont want to give me 3 stars why??? Games that are Rigidi are not fun!!! 10/10/14. Updated. I give a 4 star now. The annoying FB ads are nicely controlled.. Thanx for fixing that .. Really nicer & cleaner ! I am truly truly happy! I will give 5 star if sound track is more hip! 9/24/13. Connect to FB advert is very annoying! When you open the game, there is already a sign that says Join FB to connect with Friends .. That should Be enough ! Constantly flagging to join FB makes this game look soo not a Classy Game .. Spoils my Mood !! Wish that was fixed! This new update ? I like the Idea of big balls but for some reason the graphics look overcrowded balls in my iPhone 4s .. Just too much ! 9/13/14 .. Please change the Music .. Put Interesting Soundtrack so iF I fail a level I can do it Over again While looking forward to the Sound Track !!! Level 139 sound Track is so Not Interesting ..!